Frequently Asked Questions

Is this site for U.S. visas only? Can you help with other countries?

U.S. visas only. I do not have enough experience with other countries to provide assistance.

Can you help me with Adjustment of Status/Removal of Conditions/Naturalization etc.?

Generally, no. These processes, and ones like them, are managed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). While I worked with many wonderful colleagues at USCIS, I do not have direct experience with that agency. Accordingly, I can only offer limited advice on USCIS. Please keep this in mind as you request services.

Can you represent me for my immigration/visa issue?

No. I am not an attorney and therefore cannot provide you with representation services. What I can do is offer you advice on your visa case, assist you in the process, and counsel you on whether you should seek to retain an attorney and how to accomplish that.

What visa categories do you provide services for?

Immigrant Visa: IR-1, CR-1, IR-2, CR-2, IR-5, F-1, F-2A, F-2B, F-3, F-4, K-1, K-3, E-1, E-2, E-3, EW, E-5, C-5, I-5, T-5, SB-1, DV

Non-immigrant Visa: B, C, CW, D, E, F, J, I, L, M, O, P, Q, R

What languages do you provide services in?

Currently English only. Other languages may become available in the future for an additional fee.

How do I know this isn’t a scam?

Check the About page for a description of my background. If you would like to better assess my abilities in analyzing cases, I encourage you to check out the blog portion of this website. Also, check out the testimonials page to see what other people have to say about the help they received.

Can you help me complete forms or prepare supporting documents?

Yes and no. I can assist you in understanding the forms and advising you on how best to complete them. I can also review your complete forms, However, I cannot complete the forms on your behalf.

You didn’t answer my question! Can I get a refund?

Sometimes you just have to take the plunge to know if you can get help. If you submit a question where I assess that I can provide no meaningful insight, I will issue a refund of your fee. Please note this doesn’t mean you can get a refund if you are not satisfied with your answer.

I took your advice and still got refused! Can I get a refund?

While I strive to provide the highest quality visa advice possible, I cannot control the outcome of your interview. I will not issue you a refund if you are unhappy with the result of your interview.

How reliable is your information?

There are some aspects of the visa process that change over time such as computer systems, websites, forms, and appointment locations. However, the most important aspects of the process - how visa officers think about cases - is constant. I am well versed in visa officer thinking and keep myself appraised of current law, regulation, and agency guidance. 

How long will you take to respond?

I will respond to all paid service requests within 2 to 3 business days. If you have not received a response, please confirm that your payment completed successfully. If you are still having trouble, please use the Contact page to get in touch. 

Can you help with U.S. Passports/Consular Reports of Birth Abroad?

Yes! On the “Request a Service” page, please select “Passport/CRBA Question” and I will be happy to assist you.