Some Changes to Our Services

I recently updated the service offerings at Ask The Visa Officer to better align with what clients need, make my offerings simpler, and ultimately to provide a higher quality service to my clients. Here is an overview of the changes I’ve made.

No more written questions.

The biggest change you’ll notice is that the written question services are gone. I did this because I didn’t feel like these options were providing as high quality a service to clients as I would have liked and required more time on my end than I had originally thought. In particular, I was not happy how once I had finished answering a question there wasn’t an effective way for a client to ask follow up questions without requesting another service. This isn’t fair in my mind so I decided to just do away with the category.

More options for interview preparation.

The next biggest change you’ll notice is that interview preparation is now an option for all services. When I first started I thought that interview prep would be a premium option for people that wanted a very hands on service. That hasn’t been the case and so I decided to make interview prep an add on to the basic services. I also felt like keeping interview prep as a premium product went against the spirit of the business, which has always been to provide high quality visa advice that anyone anywhere in the world can afford. I think the new pricing system better fits that mission.

Enterprise options.

A lot of Ask The Visa Officer’s work is done through business to business relationships and I wanted to make it easier to businesses to know that these options are available and to give them a convenient way to get in touch. To that end I have created a special enterprise contact form to get those conversations started.

I am always thinking of ways to make this website and business better for my valued clients and hope that these changes will make things easier for everyone.


A Simple Guide to U.S. Visa Categories